Compassionate Heart Biblical Counseling Center exists to minister to those in need (using the Word of God) and to heal the wounded heart.
Dr. David Donnally serves as Lead Counselor of Compassionate Heart. He brings over 40 years of ministry experience to his clients and students. He holds three doctorate degrees including a Ph.D. in Education a Th.D and a Ph.D. in Religious Education. He also serves as Senior Pastor of Legacy Church and is President of the Evangelical Bible College & Seminary as well as serving on the Florida Council of Private Schools as Vice-President of their Board. Dr. Donnally brings this wealth of experience to his counseling and teaching sessions and reminds us to Love, Laugh, Let Go, & Let God!
Dr. Jeremiah Ramberg is a graduate of both Greenacres Christian Academy and the Evangelical Bible College and Seminary. He holds a Doctorate in both Religious Education and Ministry. Dr. Ramberg has been with Legacy Church Ministries for over 20 years. Over the years, he has served many roles at Greenacres Christian Academy. At Legacy Church, he is currently the Worship Leader, Youth Director and Associate Pastor. He is married to his high school sweetheart, Judi, and they have one son, Gabriel. Dr. Ramberg is a wonderful help to our ministry and Legacy is blessed to have such a great man of God. .
Dr. Ralph Leslie completed a 20 year military career in the United States Air Force. During his Air Force career, he completed numerous courses at academies and colleges. In 1986, he worked in Corrections at Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office & by 1992 was a dual certified Corrections and Law-enforcement Officer. After retiring from the Sheriff’s Office in 2000, Dr. Ralph Leslie worked as a Private Investigator and Criminal Defense Investigator. Dr. Ralph Leslie has been at the Evangelical Bible College and Seminary since August 29, 2013 and is now a Seminary professor. He holds Doctorate degrees in Intercultural Studies, Theology, Ministry, Religious Education, and Ministerial Counseling.